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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-06-07 Doing, Not-Doing, and The Doing That Comes from Not-Doing: In Meditation and in Daily Life 64:49
Donald Rothberg
We inquire into doing and not-doing in five ways: (1) identifying the importance of a number of different kinds of "doing" and skillful effort in meditation; (2) pointing also to the centrality of a kind of not-doing (or letting go of doing) and receptivity in meditation; (3) the importance of investigating the "doer" and one's identity as a doer, in a number of different ways, in meditation and daily life; (4) the vision of a doing that comes out of being, that comes out of a deep not-doing, a vision that we find in different spiritual traditions--here we mention ways that this vision is found in Jewish, Christian, Taoist, and Buddhist traditions; and (5) how we explore and cultivate this doing coming out of a deep not-doing in daily life, in "flow experiences," in activities in which we are deeply grounded, and in such areas as sports, music, art, and dance.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-06-07 Morning Chanting in English (Chant Along) 4:46
Ayya Santussika, Ayya Cittananda
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-06-07 Guided Brahmaviharas Meditation 41:27
Ayya Santussika
This guided meditation was offered at Cloud Mountain on June 7, 2021 for the retreat "Dispelling Our Delusions: Exploring the Vipallasa and Drawing Inspiration from the Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns".
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-06-07 Guided Appreciative Joy Meditation with Intro 42:31
Zohar Lavie
Muditā meditation
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World

2021-06-07 Day 3 - Instructions: This is not Peaceful (A Dukkha Insight Way of Looking) 59:23
Nathan Glyde
Noticing the unsatisfactory nature of all phenomena might sound bleak. But instead of ruminating on whether it is true or not, consider whether it is useful: notice if this lens of attention brings release and an ever deeper sense of freedom.
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World

2021-06-06 The Arrows of Dissatisfaction 46:09
Nathan Glyde
=---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =---> =--->
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World

2021-06-06 The Distortion of Dukkha and Sukha 39:04
Ayya Santussika
This talk was offered at Cloud Mountain on June 6, 2021 for the retreat "Dispelling Our Delusions: Exploring the Vipallasa and Drawing Inspiration from the Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns".
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-06-06 Disenchantment & Reaching Out a Gentle Hand to My Own Mind 17:32
Ayya Santacitta
Nibbida = Not Finding
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2021-06-06 Morning Chanting in Pali (Chant Along) 6:11
Ayya Santussika, Ayya Cittananda
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-06-06 Not Quite So: Co-Dependent Arising 28:49
Ajahn Sucitto
Our apparent reality arises from moods and interpretations that generate the world of time and space, self and other. It’s possible to meet the moods and mental states directly without creating stories or identities until the signs dissolve and only clarity remains. Meditation and engagement are skillful means to understand the dependent arising of our world, of suffering, and of skillful dhammas.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

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