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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-05-05 The Next Breath is Not Guaranteed 43:49
Mindfulness of the breath, endings, and the nearness of death
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-05 Where Does It Come From ~ Where Does It All Go? 29:46
Ayya Santacitta
A talk on Maranasati ~ Recollection of Death
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-05 Returning to the Mystery We Came From ~ Maranasati 52:51
Ayya Santacitta
A guided meditation on death & dying
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-04 'The Five Elements are Empty of a Self 43:11
Ayya Santacitta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-04 Reflecting on the Nature of the Body (asubha) 30:39
Ayya Anandabodhi
Reflecting on asubha (the non-beautiful) aspects of the body we can find greater peace and acceptance with things as they are. Through this understanding, the mind is released from desire and aversion
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-04 Guided Meditation on Skin, Flesh and Bones 49:01
Ayya Anandabodhi
This practice, one of the Four Protective Meditations, leads us to directly understand the true nature of the body. Through this understanding, the mind is released from desire and aversion and we can accept this body as part of nature, rather than "me" and "mine".
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Protective Meditations: Developing Courage to Meet the Way Things Truly Are

2021-05-04 Emptiness and Suchness 43:09
Heather Sundberg
When we understand that direct experience is not solid/not separate, we can embrace experience in its changing conditionality with the heart of compassion and inclusion born of non-clinging. This is the inter-weaving of the teachings of emptiness and suchness, and the talk will explore teachings and practices which support us to live from this wiser view.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2021-05-02 A Whole Life Path 66:12
Gregory Kramer
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2021-05-02 Noble Birth 14:11
Ajahn Sucitto
With the recognition of the ending of this session, consider birth: what we’ve been through is receding, nothing new yet has begun, and we’re not going back to the same old thing. Birth is arising into that which we’re not yet entirely clear about. Nourish the potency of arising with mental qualities of goodwill, compassion, celebration and equanimity.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Embodying Mettā: A Daylong Retreat 3:34:42
Dawn Mauricio
Those who are familiar with the practice of mettā, or lovingkindness, know that it is one of four divine abidings of the heart according to the Buddha’s teachings. One way that this quality can be cultivated—as traditionally and so frequently taught—is through the recitation of phrases. However, without a deeper understanding or familiarity with the subtle expressions of mettā, or the alternate doorways into cultivating this profound and limitless quality, lovingkindness meditation can mislead us to binary thinking, as in: "I am loving and kind” or “I am not loving and kind." In our daylong together, we will explore the various doorways into cultivating mettā, as well as the spectrum in which it can come alive in our daily lives. All levels and experiences welcome.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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