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Dharma Talks
2021-05-02 Q&A2 45:41
Ajahn Sucitto
Where is the experience of bodily energies found in the suttas; what is the source of Ajahn’s ‘forensic precision’; how to us somatic presence with the 3rd and 4th foundations of mindfulness; please help with insomnia; experiencing resistance to standing meditation; grief and pain experienced with ‘Future and Past’ exercise; how to deepen into the ‘neither/nor’ space; is samādhi developed by sustaining sati; how to deal with overactive citta; how did you deal with the fear of death when being robbed in India?
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Direct Practice: Exploration of Other People and Self 28:33
Ajahn Sucitto
Open up the currents to other people – mistakes, grudges, hurt feelings – and listen. You can’t forgive if you’re still wounded. Use the brahmavihāra to open the heart towards others. Then you have not just cleared the floods, but have been enriched by the relational experience.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Paramis, Week 2: Calling on the Beautiful Qualities of the Heart - Meditation 35:11
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2021-05-02 Paramis, Week 2: Calling on the Beautiful Qualities of the Heart - Talk 38:33
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2021-05-02 Walking Meditation – Walking Through the Mind 4:52
Ajahn Sucitto
In walking, experience the fluidities and exchanges of movement. Walk through the sense realm, noticing how objects change. Walk through your mental field in the same way, the wallpaper changing as you move along. Notes on reclining meditation conclude these instructions.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Direct Practice: Exploring Future and Past 17:06
Ajahn Sucitto
Practice with bringing up notions of future, past, other people and myself and the relationships between them. Receive what is activated in the body and mind without adopting them. Open to the feelings and movements that arise.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Guided Meditation – Exploration of Energies in the Head 23:32
Ajahn Sucitto
First grounding the body, then settling the breathing, guidance to explore and ease areas of the face and head.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Open Mind Open Heart Open Body 24:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Open mind and open heart require open receptivity – listening without taking on, accepting without adopting. This requires the quiet power of embodiment – acknowledgement – which isn’t doing anything other than acknowledging. Things then shift and pass on their own.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Standing Meditation – Open Energy 34:00
Ajahn Sucitto
The standing posture provides a simple process whereby energies can be balanced, soothed and steadied. Opening channels of the body so breathing can flow through, an open energy – light, spacious, repelling obstruction – becomes available.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-05-02 Precepts and Resolution 26:23
Ajahn Sucitto
It’s very helpful to start the day with resolution: What can I say no to? What can I say yes to? Using the precepts as a frame, generate boundaries that will moderate energies and help you remain firm and grounded in the face of the floods.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

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