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Dharma Talks
2020-12-08 Guided Meditation – Opening out of Circumstance 24:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation offers an important reference point out of the world of circumstances. Mindfulness of body and breathing offer rest and replenishment, giving citta access to its life force energy. Ends with walking meditation instructions.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Evening Q&A 42:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Meaning of ‘The citta goes to distinction’; search for security externally and internally; the wrapping and unwrapping of citta; manas and its relationship to citta; practicing with grief; is citta the unconditioned; please clarify comment about vipassana practice; when is observing bodily/somatic states dissociation and cutting off from them?
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Recollecting and Appreciating Citta as Heart 31:35
Ajahn Sucitto
The affective heart aspect of citta is absolutely essential for cultivation. Instead of contracting in the face of dukkha, it can open – rise up to it – with compassion, gladness, equanimity. This is what makes a human magnificent.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Summary – Checking Perception 10:09
Ajahn Sucitto
The perceptions that cause contraction can be shifted and changed. Going to the root of where the perceptions arise, pause – don’t follow the immediate reflex. Ask – what’s helpful now? Let the unrestricted citta respond.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 7 2020 22:50
Chas DiCapua
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-07 Afternoon Q&A 27:29
Ajahn Sucitto
Meaning of ‘concocted’; upward movement of energy; difference between manas and mano; meaning of ‘pure mind’; development of ‘wise discernment’; citta as process rather than thing; can yoga help unbind citta; difference in Vedic meaning of ‘chitta’ and Buddha’s use of ‘citta’; where duality comes in; meaning of ‘unwrapped citta’; Ajahn Maha Boowa’s characterization of citta.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Citta Wrapped in Khanda = Contraction 48:03
Ajahn Sucitto
We rarely experience pure citta. What we experience are its wrappings – its conditioned programs. Our aim is to first make the wrapping as good and beneficial as possible, and second, to release citta from all conditions.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Guided Meditation – Intentional Aspect of Citta 29:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Beginning with citta’s ability to intend and attend, steer away from distractions and compulsions. Establish mindfulness (sati ) using body as a mooring post. Guidance around breathing and body follow.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-07 Guided Meditation – Centring and Stabillizing Citta 39:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Citta is our center, but it’s conditioned to allowing itself to be occupied with transient phenomena. In meditation we can shift back to citta as the center, thereby weakening the habits of running out and trying to control circumstances.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-06 How to Let Go? 28:52
Ayya Santacitta
San Francisco Insight
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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