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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-09-26 Afternoon Practice 40:16
Kirsten Kratz
Practicing with intention, humility and lightness, and as a way of relating to life. Cultivating practices that soften the Citta (heart-mind) and that have a relational quality. Lessening the delusion of separation.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-26 Day 2 Instructions - Vedanā.mp3 57:10
Nathan Glyde
Meditation Instruction
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-26 Morning Meditation 41:45
Kirsten Kratz
Aligning with our intention for the day, connecting to the part of us that may yearn to contribute to our own healing and the healing of the collective, sensing into our interdependence and relationality, choosing which practice we would like to play with e.g. relating to our body, or playing with the width of our awareness.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-26 Right domain - the indriya 41:21
Ajahn Sucitto
In Dhamma practice we aim to establish positive roots that can nourish our everyday actions and behaviors. We train in setting aside what is unskillful and causes stress, and lingering in and strengthening factors for awakening. The 5 indriya offer a beneficial domain for such cultivation.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Monastery 2020 Vassa Closing Group Practice Retreat

2020-09-25 Evening Practice 56:03
Yuka Nakamura
Dharma Talk: Dancing Between Self and Not Self. One of the discoveries that can open up to us is the discovery that there is not just one, true self, but the arising of many different selves at different times, depending on context, depending on mindstates. We understand the relational and dependent nature of self. This is the middle way between the views of eternalism and annihilationism.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-25 Vedanā - the Current in the Ocean of Life 49:58
Nathan Glyde
Dukkha is dependently originating with tanha (demands), demands are dependently originating with preference, preference is dependently originating with unquestioned belief in the subjective arising of vedana. But more and more peace is possible.
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-25 Hebrew - Guided Metta to Easeful Relationships and Oneself.mp3 40:36
Zohar Lavie
Metta in Hebrew
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-25 Afternoon Practice 35:43
Kirsten Kratz
Guided Meditation: A meditative contemplation to support lessening the sense of self.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-25 Hebrew - Day 1 Instructions - Opening to the Pleasant 50:38
Zohar Lavie
Hebrew Meditation Instructions - On Body Awareness
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-25 Morning Practice 35:26
Kirsten Kratz
Exploring the tools that can enable us to have a more poetic and creative relationship to self. Looking at how the sense of self can be held lightly and skilfully, or tightly and unskilfully, within different contexts in our lives.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

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