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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-09-30 Maturing from Renunciation to Relinquishment 32:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Citta needs something to settle on, to feel comfortable in. Use mindfulness to form a frame around what’s helpful and skillful and absorb into that. Citta begins to understand the agitation that both pleasure and displeasure cause, and can see something more fulfilling in the bareness of mind.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Monastery 2020 Vassa Closing Group Practice Retreat

2020-09-29 The Present Moment is Not the Goal 34:41
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
There’s a common understanding that the purpose of meditation is to fully arrive in the present moment. However, the Buddha taught people to focus on the present moment not as a goal, but as a place where work is to be done to go beyond the present. This talk, based on the essay, “The Karma of Now” will explore the Buddha’s understanding of the present moment, and the implications of that understanding, not only for the practice of meditation, but also for Buddhist practice as a whole.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2020-09-29 Release from Psychological Conditioning 38:23
Ajahn Sucitto
The aim of Dhamma cultivation is penetration and purification of saṇkhārā – the conditioning forces. Everything else is to support that. Mindfulness of body provides a steady and pleasant foundation, samādhi acts as a refuge from sensory input. Mind then has the power to resist, moderate and release from these conditioning forces.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Monastery 2020 Vassa Closing Group Practice Retreat

2020-09-28 The Four Noble Truths: Understanding Suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release - Week 3 - Meditation 30:45
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Four Noble Truths: Understanding suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release

2020-09-28 The Four Noble Truths: Understanding Suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release - Week 3 - Talk 59:43
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Four Noble Truths: Understanding suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release

2020-09-28 Hebrew - Insight To Live By Closing Dharma Talk.mp3 33:44
Zohar Lavie
In Hebrew
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-28 Day 4 Instructions - Seeing Not-Self Anattā 66:34
Nathan Glyde
Meditation instructions exploring the strategy of not-self–how is it to apply the recipe of seeing this is not me, not mine, not my self? Before that a few words sustaining our meditation experience: 1. keeping the balloon of practice alive through all postures, and 2. the idea of taking a victory lap when the bell rings–rather than ending quickly.
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-28 Making the Right Choice 39:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness can be thought of as a boundary setter. It’s used to discern what to stay with and deepen into, and what to avoid and stay out of. Instructions are given for how to apply this to ānāpānasati, mindfulness of breathing.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Monastery 2020 Vassa Closing Group Practice Retreat

2020-09-27 Finding a Way Out of No Way 1:35:13
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2020-09-27 Morning chanting and guided meditation 1:17:03
Ayya Santussika
AM of Directing the Mind, Cooling the Heart daylong
Portland Friends of the Dhamma

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