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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-08-25 Mudita (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:43
Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Lovingkindness Retreat

2024-08-25 Unlocking the Heart/Mind 55:40
Yahel Avigur
Instructions and Open Practice
Gaia House Samadhi - Reliable Joy

2024-08-25 A Community Program on Palestine/Israel: Session 3: A Buddhist Toolkit for Skillful Response 1:33:32
Donald Rothberg, Ronya Banks
In the final session of this series, teachers Ronya Banks and Donald Rothberg offer a number of resources that can help one navigate these times and the conflict between Israel and Palestinians. After a brief period of meditation, we offer four teachings and practices, each first explored through teachings and then briefly guided experientially: (1) the teaching of the Two Arrows and Dependent Origination pointing to the nature of reactivity--habitual and often unconscious grasping after the pleasant and pushing away the unpleasant or painful; (2) the teachings about attachment to views; (3) the cultivation of wise speech and empathy, increasingly pointing toward universal empathy and what Dr. King called the "beloved community"; and (4) practicing with difficult emotions, body states (including traumatic reactions), and thoughts. These teachings and practices are followed by a period of discussion, closing intentions, and the dedication of merit.
Southern Dharma Retreat Center A Community Program on Palestine/Israel

2024-08-25 Instructions - Realise the Boundlessness of Not Just Me 55:53
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty; Cultivating a Fearless Heart

2024-08-25 Supporting Subtle Skills 1:24:18
Yahel Avigur
Instructions and Guided Meditation
Gaia House Samadhi - Reliable Joy

2024-08-24 Talk - It Can't Just Be Me 47:26
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty; Cultivating a Fearless Heart

2024-08-24 Samadhi Teaches You About Emotions; Working with Different Centres of Breathing 55:07
Yahel Avigur
Instructions & Guided Meditation
Gaia House Samadhi - Reliable Joy

2024-08-24 Introduction to Wisdom and Awareness Retreat - Meditation 29:22
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2024-08-24 Introduction to Wisdom and Awareness Retreat - Talk 41:12
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2024-08-24 Whole Body Breathing 26:06
Yahel Avigur
Instructions & Open Practice
Gaia House Samadhi - Reliable Joy

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