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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-06-18 74 The Shorter Series of Questions and Answers MN44 19:54
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Dhammadina was a nun ans and arahat. Her former husband, Visakha, comes to ask her question on personhood/self, Noble Eightfold Path, concentration and habits/volitional formations
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-06-17 Meditation: Embodied Metta 19:35
Tara Brach
Lovingkindness becomes full when it is energetically experienced in our bodies. This meditation guides us in awakening the receptivity, warmth and openness of metta through our body, and then invites us to rest in the space of loving presence, as we open to whatever arises.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-06-17 Sustaining Our Caring 39:45
Tara Brach
All transformation arises out of love; it is the energy of caring about life that moves us toward inner, relational and societal healing. With a primary focus on our radically re-enlivened movement for racial justice and equity, this talk looks at ways of remembering what matters and consciously nourishing our care.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-06-17 Knowing the Dharma in the Body 45:26
Walt Opie
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2020-06-17 Inanna and The Fierce Feminine 62:51
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2020-06-17 Cittaviveka Buddhist Monastery Public Talk: Guide to Unrestricted Awareness 1:15:59
Ajahn Sucitto
A good teacher (Acariya) encourages and pushes the mind of the disciple away from the changeable world presented by sense-consciousness, to the more fruitful reality that’s centred on Dhamma. In this talk, the principles of this are pointed out, and as exemplified by Ajahn Chah. This talk was offered on Ajahn
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-06-17 73 Bhumija Discourse 16:00
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-06-17 Guided Meditation -- Attitude of Metta 16:44
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-06-17 Transformation of the Analytical Mind 3 1:20:35
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-06-17 Buddhist Practice and the Transformation of Racism 1: Five Perspectives 65:27
Donald Rothberg
We open up five perspectives, the first three of which have more to do with understanding and the last two of which have more to do with practice and action. The five perspectives are: (1) remembering the Buddha's elimination of caste within his community; (2) understanding how greed, hatred (including racism), and delusion are not just personal but are also institutionalized; (3) understanding through looking at US history how race is a construction (with terrible consequences)-- both initially in the 17th century and later, commonly linked with divide-and-conquer strategies by those with economic and political power; (4) how our ethical practice calls us not just not to harm in our personal actions, but also not to let harm be done by others; and (5) the identification of different dimensions of transformative practice. The talk is followed by discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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