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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Martine Batchelor's Dharma Talks
Martine Batchelor
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2019-07-21 Morning Instructions 26:07
Gaia House Secular Buddhist Retreat
2019-04-12 Grasping and Creative Engagement 42:43
Gaia House Sǒn Retreat
2019-04-10 Meditative Experiences 50:42
Gaia House Sǒn Retreat
2019-04-08 Great Faith, Great Courage, Great Questioning 48:57
Gaia House Sǒn Retreat
2019-01-12 Eightfold Path. 48:06
Gaia House Meditation and Mindfulness in Daily Life
2019-01-10 Contact, Feeling Tone and Perception. 54:12
Gaia House Meditation and Mindfulness in Daily Life
2018-07-27 Identity 40:19
Gaia House Secular Buddhist Meditation Retreat
2018-07-26 Guided Meditation on Appreciative Joy (part 2 of 2) 40:54
{This talk is part of a set of two recordings from the retreat (Instructions – Mudita; Guided Meditation on Appreciative Joy). Both recordings focus on Mudita (appreciative/altruistic joy) with practical instructions and a guided meditation.}
Gaia House Secular Buddhist Meditation Retreat
2018-07-26 Instructions - Mudita (part 1 of 2) 28:58
{This talk is part of a set of two recordings from the retreat (Instructions – Mudita; Guided Meditation on Appreciative Joy). Both recordings focus on Mudita (appreciative/altruistic joy) with practical instructions and a guided meditation.}
Gaia House Secular Buddhist Meditation Retreat
2018-07-25 The Three Characteristics 47:45
Gaia House Secular Buddhist Meditation Retreat

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