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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Andrea Fella's Dharma Talks
Andrea Fella
Andrea Fella is the co-teacher at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. She has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and teaching Insight Meditation since 2003. She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Her teachings emphasize clarity and practicality. Andrea is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, and teaches residential retreats for IMC and other retreat centers around the country
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2010-10-25 Wise And Balanced Effort 62:31
The Skill and art of meditation lies in learning how to use energy and effort wisely.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2010-09-14 Ordinary 46:43
An exploration of ordinary experience and ordinary qualities of mind that are the ground for liberation.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness of Mind
2010-08-22 From Stillness to Movement: The Place of Concentration on the Path of Insight 56:40
An exploration of the importance of concentration on the ability of the mind to meet experience as it is.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2010-08-18 Skillful Means for Concentration 63:22
Cultivating the skill of concentration includes recognizing and working with those qualities that both support and hinder concentration. This talk explores ways to let go of the hindrances, and ways to cultivate the factors of concentration.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2010-04-25 Part 5 of 5- Discussion (pm) 29:37
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Daylong in the Style of U Tejaniya
2010-04-25 Part 4 of 5- Working with Emotions 29:00
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Daylong in the Style of U Tejaniya
2010-04-25 Part 3 of 5- Discussion (am) 29:57
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Daylong in the Style of U Tejaniya
2010-04-25 Part 2 of 5- Guided Meditation 30:40
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Daylong in the Style of U Tejaniya
2010-04-25 Part 1 of 5- Basic Instructions 44:43
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Daylong in the Style of U Tejaniya
2010-02-27 Not Knowing 51:52
A guided meditation on expanding awareness and an exploration on the theme of not knowing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long

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