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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Rob Burbea's Dharma Talks
Rob Burbea
ROB BURBEA (1965-2020) was Gaia House’s much-loved resident teacher for 10 years from 2005 - 2015, when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. During his time at Gaia House, Rob wrote Seeing that Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising – an important and influential work that continues to shape and open the meditative exploration of many. Emerging from this deep experiential understanding of emptiness, Rob dedicated much of his time and energy during the last years of his life to conceiving, developing, and establishing a new body of teachings that he called ‘A Soulmaking Dharma’. Before his death, Rob initiated the Hermes Amara Foundation (HAF), an organisation that is working to preserve and develop Rob's vast Dharma teaching legacy, and to support practitioners and teachers who are engaged with these teachings. All donations go directly to HAF - your financial support is much needed if Rob’s legacy is to sustain and thrive. To join the HAF mailing list and find out more about Rob's work please go to or get in touch at Rob was also a guiding teacher of Freely Given Retreats (, a co-founder of Sanghaseva, an organisation exploring the Dharma through international service work ( and a co-initiator of DANCE, the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (
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2007-04-01 Developing Samatha/Concentration 65:49
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-01 Second Samatha Instructions and Guided Meditation 42:04
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-02 Jhana Practice 1:12:31
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-02 Third Samatha Instructions and Guided Meditation 48:12
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-07-16 Freedom From Fear And Anxiety 56:55
This talk explores in detail the tools and approaches we can develop to work skillfully with fear in our lives, both those fears that are obvious and those that are more hidden. There is a genuine possibility of liberation from the power that fear seems to have to constrict us
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Path of Liberation
2007-09-17 Ocean of Patience 55:22
Gaia House Deepening in Wisdom
2007-09-20 The Self and the World 54:27
Gaia House Deepening in Wisdom
2007-11-03 "A Body At Peace With Itself" 58:18
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-11-08 A Question of Faith 60:10
A probing exploration of the movements of faith in our practice. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are always placing our faith somewhere. What do we have faith in? What shapes our sense of limitation or possibility? And how do faith and confidence deepen?
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-11-17 Into the Depths of Silence 59:40
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat

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