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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tempel Smith's Dharma Talks
Tempel Smith
Tempel Smith spent a year ordained as a monk in Burma and teaches Buddhist psychology and social activism in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is currently part of the IMS/Spirit Rock Teacher Training Program.
2015-06-12 Day 4 3rd Foundation Mind 37:35
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-12 Day 4 1st & 2nd Foundations Q&A 57:30
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-11 Day 3 Collective Vedana Managment 55:29
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-11 Day 3 Morning Q&A 33:47
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-11 Day 3 Instructions on 2nd Foundation 33:11
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-11 Day 3 2nd Foundation Vedana 48:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-10 Day 2 Discussion on Corpse Reflection 50:21
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-10 Day 2 All Aspects of 1st Foundation Instructions 28:37
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-10 Day 2 Sutta on 1st Foundation 33:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat
2015-06-09 Day 1 Mindfulness of Breathing Instructions Part 03 20:45
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A Study, Discussion and Practice Retreat

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