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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Amita Schmidt's Dharma Talks
Amita Schmidt
Amita Schmidt is a licensed clinical social worker with a focus on trauma and meditation. She was the resident teacher at Insight Meditation Society from 2000-2006. She is the author of "Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master." She also has practiced with Adyashanti, a teacher of non-dual awareness.
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2025-02-23 Spiritual Solidarity 36:41
This talk explores ways to increase your Spiritual Solidarity, both inner and outer, during difficult times. Included are ways to regulate your nervous system, and also connect with your deeper purpose.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio
2025-02-23 Connect and Soothe Your Parts during Difficult Times 26:48
This is a meditation will help you connect, regulate, repair, and soothe parts of yourself during difficult times. It includes principles from Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Metta (lovingkindness).
Clintonville Sangha Ohio
2025-02-23 The Audacity of Joy 2:40
A response to a question about feeling joy during difficult times. The student was concerned that feeling joy might decrease connections with others who are suffering. They also felt some guilt about feeling joy when others were in pain.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio
2024-10-10 Infinte Love 41:41
Our true nature is loving awareness, and this talk gives you practices to strengthen both awareness and love. Learn to move from "my" awareness to THE awareness in every day of your life.
Tri State Dharma
2024-10-08 The Root Cause of Suffering 37:21
In this talk you will learn tools to loosen the attachment to the ego perspective: how to step outside the snow globe of you; how to move away from the trance of thoughts; and ways to pendulate to a bigger perspective/view. This talk also has some science quotations from Donald Hoffman and others on infinite consciousness.
Tri State Dharma
2024-10-06 Q and A: The gift of Listening to Suffering. 5:03
Suffering can be a gift that helps you self-correct back to right action.
Tri State Dharma
2024-09-28 Anxiety and Depression Basic Tools for Meditators 36:20
This talk offers some basic tools and reflections to help meditation students with Depression and Anxiety. You will learn to recognize the optical illusions of mind, label distorted thinking patterns, and unblend from difficult mindstates.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center
2024-06-20 Interview about Dipa Ma 37:29
Interview with Amita Schmidt about Dipa Ma Barua. Interview is a podcast with Donna Ferris on her podcast series Bounce Back Stronger.
Maui, Hi
2023-09-24 Debilitating Self Doubt 4:33
If you have incessant or debilitating doubts here are a few strategies, including how to see/work with it as a part, and help update this part. Also includes a brief description about what Dipa Ma did for students.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio
2023-09-24 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Dharma 45:28
It's important to have an orienting principle for Artificial Intelligence or AI. This talk will help you find an orienting principle, as well as give you tools and practices to use during times of great change.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio

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