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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jenny Wilks's Dharma Talks
Jenny Wilks
Jenny Wilks has practised Buddhist meditation for many years and has an MA in Indian religions. She has taught on retreats and dharma gatherings since 2005, is a regular teacher at the Barn retreat centre at Sharpham in Devon, and has been teaching at Gaia House since 2008. Jenny trained as a clinical psychologist; she leads mindfulness-based therapy groups in healthcare settings and for the general public and teaches and supervises on the MBCT diploma course at Exeter University.
2016-03-31 Skillful Paths of Speech 50:55
This is the second talk in a 3-part speaker series titled "Pathways of Skillful Action". Jenny Wilks talks about the importance of skillful speech in our practice of ethics, and about four kinds of skillful speech, which, according to the Buddha, involve avoiding false, divisive, harsh or meaningless speech. Jenny also discusses cultivating the opposites of these types of speech.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2016-03-29 Mindfulness Internally: Insight and Freedom 39:56
This is the first talk of a two-part talk titled "Mindfulness, Insight, and Compassion." According to Jenny Wilkes, "mindfulness" is becoming such a commonly used term that its depth and liberating potential may be underestimated or misunderstood. The Buddha's teaching on establishing mindfulness (the Satipatthana Sutta) invites us to cultivate mindfulness both "internally" i.e., a deep awareness of our inner experience in order to cultivate liberating insight; and "externally" i.e., an open-hearted awareness of others in order to cultivate an ethical and compassionate response. The two-part talk explores how together these can support our mindfulness practice so that it becomes, as the Buddha described, a "direct path to awakening."
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2016-03-17 Skillful Paths of Bodily Action 49:33
This is the first talk in a 3-part speaker series titled "Pathways of Skillful Action". Jenny Wilks provides an overview of what we mean by ethics, and how the Buddha's list of ten paths of skillful action expand on the traditional five precepts and encompass body, speech, and mind. This talk focuses on the body and the first 3 precepts.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2015-09-07 The Metta Sutta - a commentary on the Buddhas teaching on cultivating goodwill 56:03
Gaia House Friendliness, Mindfulness and Liberation
2015-05-24 Joy and the Brahma Viharas 45:03
Some reflections on how we can overcome suffering and cultivate appreciative joy.
Gaia House The Joy of Awakening
2014-12-29 Dependent Arising - Deconstructing The Causes of Suffering 47:44
An exploration of how we create a sense of self that leads to dukkha.
Gaia House New Year's Retreat
2014-09-24 What Does it Mean to be Free ? 57:58
An exploration of suffering and freedom, in relation to personal and global challenges.
Gaia House Living with Uncertainty - Knowing Freedom
2014-08-04 Mindfulness and Compassion 47:58
Mindfulness is not only for ones own benefit, but is also practiced externally, to cultivate compassion for others.
Gaia House Mindfulness and Awakening
2014-07-31 Why Mindfulness is Liberating 57:11
Exploring how mindfulness practice can take us from stress reduction to freedom from suffering.
Gaia House Mindfulness and Awakening
2014-02-18 Non-Judgement and Wise Discernment 55:26
Mindfulness is often described as non-judgmental. This talk considers what this means and how it relates to the capacity to distinguish between skilful and unskillful mind-states and behaviours.
Gaia House Origins and Applications of Mindfulness - MBCT MBSR Retreat

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