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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jenny Wilks's Dharma Talks
Jenny Wilks
Jenny Wilks has practised Buddhist meditation for many years and has an MA in Indian religions. She has taught on retreats and dharma gatherings since 2005, is a regular teacher at the Barn retreat centre at Sharpham in Devon, and has been teaching at Gaia House since 2008. Jenny trained as a clinical psychologist; she leads mindfulness-based therapy groups in healthcare settings and for the general public and teaches and supervises on the MBCT diploma course at Exeter University.
2013-12-29 Beginner's Mind 54:09
Through the practice of mindful awareness we come to see how we construct our experience of the world, and can free ourselves from the limitations imposed by our subjective assumptions and preferences.
Gaia House New Year's Retreat
2013-12-01 Insight Meditation and Other Buddhist Traditions 60:27
An outline of Insight Meditation in the context of basic Buddhist teachings, including some thoughts about what we can learn from the different emphases of some other traditions.
Gaia House Keeping Our Practice Alive
2013-06-21 Sharings from the 2013 International Vipassana Teachers’ Gathering at Spirit Rock (talk given with Ayya Santacitta) 53:38
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2013-04-28 From Mindfulness to Liberation 40:54
Gaia House From Mindfulness to Liberation
2013-02-28 What Do We Really Mean By Mindfulness? 57:50
An exploration of what the practice of mindfulness consists of, with reference to traditional and contemporary definitions and the Buddhas teaching in the Satipatthana Sutta, with the aim of clarifying what is really meant by this widely-used term and why it is a practice that can free us from suffering.
Gaia House Origins and Applications of Mindfulness (MBCT and MBSR Retreat)
2012-12-30 Living in the Light of Death 49:50
Some reflections on how awareness of the transience of our life helps us to appreciate its preciousness and clarify our priorities.
Gaia House New Year Retreat
2012-09-19 Loving Kindness and the Brahma Viharas 54:53
An introductory overview of how the cultivation of metta relates to the other sublime abidings compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity.
Gaia House Cultivating Loving Kindness
2012-01-07 Compassion and Mindfulness 59:55
An outline of the relationship between compassion, mindfulness, and insight in Dharma practice and in mindfulness-based therapies.
Gaia House Origins And Applications Of Mindfulness MBCT MBSR Retreat
2011-12-29 Intention, Conditionality and Change 49:13
Some reflections on whether unhelpful habitual tendencies can be changed and what gets in the way.
Gaia House New Years Retreat
2011-09-19 The Ending of Suffering 51:38
The Four Noble Truths show how understanding the nature and causes of dukkha can bring it to an end, in relation to both minor and major difficulties in life.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: The Foundations of MBCT/MBSR

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