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gift of the teachings
Bonnie Duran's Dharma Talks
Bonnie Duran
Bonnie met the Dharma in 1982 at Kopan Monastery and in Bodh Gaya India. Since then she has practiced long and short retreats with Joseph Goldstein and other eastern and western monastics and lay teachers. She is a graduate of the IMS/SRMC teacher training programs and is also involved with Indigenous ceremonies and practices. She is currently a core teacher of the IMS teacher training program and the SRMC Dedicated Practitioners Program. Dr. Duran is a Professor of Social Work and Public Health at the University of Washington in Seattle.
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2013-09-21 Rubbing Up Against Dukkha 55:43
This talk is about the three types of dukkha and how we might realize them on the cushion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1
2013-09-14 The Three Refuges and Aspirations For Practice 45:13
This talk offers the three refuges as a reflection for practice. The qualities of self reliance, mindfulness and aspiration - are briefly covered.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1
2012-06-17 Metta For All Beings By Continent 59:21
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat
2012-06-16 Dukkha: Focus On People Of Color 54:20
This talk is about Dukkha and the end of Dukkha. It address colonization and racism as types of Dukkha experienced by POC
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat
2012-06-15 Morning Instructions: Body and Vedena 55:57
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat
2011-03-30 Sacred Space and The Dharma 48:03
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat

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