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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Chas DiCapua's Dharma Talks
Chas DiCapua
Chas DiCapua is currently the Insight Meditation Society's Resident Teacher, and has offered meditation since 1998. He is interested in how each person can fully and uniquely manifest the dharma. He teaches regularly at sitting groups and centers close to IMS.
2019-02-20 Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness 47:28
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
2019-02-18 Working with the Hindrances 60:47
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
2019-02-16 The Importance of the Body in our Practice 50:01
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Twin Cities Vipassana Collective
2018-10-10 The Four Noble Truths (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:43
A description of each noble truth, their relationship to each other, especially the first two, and their relationship to freedom from suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness and Heartfulness for Insight and Liberation
2018-07-30 The Three Characteristics 59:06
Exploring Annicca (change), Dukkha (stress) and Anatta (not self), their relationship to one another, and the role they play in freeing the mind/heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds
2018-07-29 Somatic approach to Metta practice. 44:42
Using the body as a way to connect to the heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds
2018-07-28 Investigation As Intimacy 49:56
How being intimate with the object that is present, naturally leads to investigation and understanding.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds
2018-07-29 Instructions On Meditating With Thoughts. 60:34
Recognizing different types of thoughts. How to work with them, and ways to investigate thought.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds
2018-07-26 Choosing and Working With An Anchor 63:26
Description of meditating using the body and the breath as the main meditation object. Encouragement for relaxation and ease.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds
2018-06-06 Wise Effort 62:37
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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