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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Chas DiCapua's Dharma Talks
Chas DiCapua
Chas DiCapua is currently the Insight Meditation Society's Resident Teacher, and has offered meditation since 1998. He is interested in how each person can fully and uniquely manifest the dharma. He teaches regularly at sitting groups and centers close to IMS.
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2024-02-25 Making A Suitable Home For The Heart - Meditation 33:24
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series
2024-02-22 Nowhere to go, Nothing to do, No one to be or become 49:53
Exploring the Buddha's teaching of Mano San Chetena. Letting go of the compulsion to do.
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2024
2024-02-20 Wise Effort 40:58
Cultivating a receptive awareness with a light touch. Understanding the part intention plays in right effort
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC February 2024
2024-01-10 The heart at home in the body 50:48
How do use the body awareness to create a suitable home for the heart?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Creating a Suitable Home for the Heart
2023-12-06 Body, Gateway To The Liberation Of The Heart 47:12
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center
2023-07-31 Morning Instructions: (vedana) feeling Tone 17:17
Noticing, pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral in relationship to sense door contact. Why it's important, and how to practice with it.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds
2023-07-30 Misperceptions about dhama practice 42:11
Exploring for misperceptions about how best to approach practice. Through understanding these, beings are able to better understand ways that are more onward leading
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds
2023-07-28 Loving Kindness 39:18
Practicing with the easy being, receiving metta, and offering metta to self
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds
2023-06-02 The heart at home in the body 42:16
How embodied awareness supports and nurture is the heart
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Your Life Is Your Practice
2023-05-24 Wise Nourishment 42:38
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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