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gift of the teachings
Matthew Brensilver's Dharma Talks
Matthew Brensilver
Matthew Brensilver, MSW, PhD, serves on the Guiding Teachers Committee and Board of Directors at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He was previously Program Director for Mindful Schools and for more than a decade, was a core teacher at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. Each summer, he lectures at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center on the intersections between mindfulness, science and mental health. Before committing to teach meditation full-time, he spent years doing research on addiction pharmacotherapy at the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine. He is the co-author of two books about meditation during adolescence.
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2014-08-18 Guided Meditation 56:51
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2014-07-01 Where Rubber Meets the Road: A Series on Mindful Living 7:06:03
with Andrea Fella, David Cohn, Jason Murphy, Margaret Gainer, Matthew Brensilver, Misha Merrill, Robert Cusick, Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen, Tony Bernhard
This series of talks provides insight and practical advice as to how to take the wonderful and serene mind that we develop during our meditation practice into our daily lives, into our relationships with others. Sometimes, the deepest grooves in our minds are only stimulated in our relationships to others. Defilements and habits of the mind, such as greed, anger and delusion, arise in ways that they don't in other situations. Fortunately, these daily life encounters offer us opportunities to practice, to see ourselves more clearly, and to become more free. This is the liberating power of awareness and mindfulness.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2014-06-23 Working with Anger 52:51
Developing skill and open-heartedness in the midst of intense feeling.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2014-06-23 Guided Meditation: Mara's Trump Card 4:51
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2013-10-19 Clinging and the Path of Letting Go 61:38
We are all philosophers of happiness. Retreat practice provides the opportunity to examine our strategies and model of the good life. We often find that we have a redemptive hope in clinging. This talk highlights how we cling and explores a path of letting go.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2012-12-29 Dharma and the Developmental Tasks of Adolescence 46:40
This talk examines ways that the dharma can support two key developmental tasks of adolescence: exploring the nature of happiness and developing a healthy sense of self without getting stuck in it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Teen Retreat (Walden West)

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