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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Zohar Lavie's Dharma Talks
Zohar Lavie
Zohar has been practicing meditation in different traditions since 1995. This journey has taken her from the meditation cushion into exploring further ways of expressing truth and love and in 2004 she co-founded SanghaSeva. She now spends most of her time facilitating retreats that offer service as a spiritual path around the world. Since 2006 she has been teaching on silent retreats and Dharma gatherings in India, Europe and Israel.
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2016-08-11 Tanha and the building of the self 51:36
Taṇhā meaning physical or mental thirst, desire, longing, or greed. Usually divided into three types: kama-tanha (craving for sensual pleasures), bhava-tanha (craving for existence), and vibhava-tanha (craving for non-existence).
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016
2016-08-09 Conceit of Self 45:31
What is the Self?
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016
2016-08-08 Day 1 Instructions - Breath & Body 52:47
Meditation Instructions to Open the Retreat
SanghaSeva Ekuthuleni 2016
2016-07-18 The Gifts of Uncertainty 44:23
These recordings are part of a ten month course entitled Living Fearlessly with Change - Exploring Ageing, Illness and Death Through Buddhist Practice and Service.
Gaia House (Bala Brook) Living Fearlessly with Change
2016-07-18 Intro to Equanimity and Guided Meditation 61:39
These recordings are part of a ten month course entitled Living Fearlessly with Change - Exploring Ageing, Illness and Death Through Buddhist Practice and Service.
Gaia House (Bala Brook) Living Fearlessly with Change
2016-07-16 Generosity and Sila 57:10
These recordings are part of a ten month course entitled Living Fearlessly with Change - Exploring Ageing, Illness and Death Through Buddhist Practice and Service. This recording also includes Zohar Lavie.
Gaia House (Bala Brook) Living Fearlessly with Change
2016-06-12 Guided Meditation on Equanimity 45:43
Gaia House Living with Illness and Loss
2016-06-11 Meditation Instructions on Feeling Tone 64:49
Gaia House Living with Illness and Loss
2016-06-10 Patience and Forgiveness 58:57
Gaia House Living with Illness and Loss
2016-06-10 Guided Compassion Meditation 41:54
Gaia House Living with Illness and Loss

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