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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Santussika's Dharma Talks
Ayya Santussika
Ayya Santussika, in residence at Karuna Buddhist Vihara (Compassion Monastery), spent five years as an anagarika (eight-precept nun), then ordained as a samaneri (ten-precept nun) in 2010 and as a bhikkhuni (311 rules) in 2012 at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara in Los Angeles.
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2013-09-10 Habits towards Nibbana 1:44:59
at BIA in Bangkok
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2013-07-13 The Four Noble Truths in Action - Part 1 1:28:50
Insight Santa Cruz
2013-07-13 The Four Noble Truths in Action - Part 2 59:12
Insight Santa Cruz
2013-07-13 The Four Noble Truths in Action - Part 3 54:47
Insight Santa Cruz
2013-07-13 The Four Noble Truths in Action - Part 4 1:21:11
Insight Santa Cruz
2013-03-19 Stand Strong and Love 49:54
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks
2012-09-25 Facing Our Biggest Fears 41:06
This talk explores an ancient Tibetan method to confront your fear and turn it into an ally. She reviews the method from Lama Tsultrim book "Feeding your demons" in the context of the first three of the four noble truths. search words: four noble truths, feeding your demons, fear, anxiety, gratitude, change your brain
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2012-02-29 One Auspicious Day 41:38
at San Jose Insight
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2012-02-17 Salutation to the Triple Gem 62:34
Insight Meditation Center
2012-01-20 The Simile of the Cloth 59:00
Insight Meditation Center

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