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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2024-02-15 talk: Freedom and death contemplation p2 25:43
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings
2024-02-01 talk: Freedom and contemplation of death 25:36
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings
2024-01-25 talk: Freedom and Mindfulness 25:40
Continuing to explore freedom in the context of the Buddha's teachings, how mindfulness supports it, and some ways to maintain mindfulness in everyday life
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings
2024-01-18 short talk: Exploring freedom as the goal of our practice 23:01
A short talk introducing a new theme for the start of the new year The Way to Freedom: what hinders, and what helps Each week we'll be looking at some of the common obstacles that cause stress, distress and suffering in our lives, and what we can do to support experiencing more ease, happiness and peace, instead Focusing on what freedom means to each of us with a written contemplation, then looking briefly at the three core afflictive energies of greed or compulsion, hatred or aversion,, and ignorance or delusion
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight meetings
2024-01-13 10 meditation: cultivating the heart energy of mettā or kindness 22:31
A short meditation to develop mettā, beginning by establishing well-being in the body then attuning to the energy of kindness at the heart-centre
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop
2024-01-13 09 instructions: cultivating skilful mind-states such as mettā or kindness 6:26
Short instructions for developing mettā or kindness as a skilful mental quality
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop
2024-01-13 08 instructions: proliferation 8:01
Short instructions for working with mental proliferation or papanca, seeing the chain reactions that cause it and coming back to the immediacy of sense-based experience to re-ground awareness
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop
2024-01-13 07 meditation: mindfulness of thoughts and emotions 25:19
Steadying awareness on the experience of breathing, then opening to sounds, thoughts and emotions coming and going
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop
2024-01-13 06 instructions: mindfulness of mind 13:12
Instructions for paying attention to the mind and mental activity, knowing thoughts and emotions without taking them personally and identifying with them
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop
2024-01-13 05 meditation: mindfulness of hearing and physical sensations 24:28
Steadying awareness on the experience of breathing, then opening to hearing and physical sensations through the whole body
Australian Insight Meditation Network Two-day insight meditation and Insight Dialogue workshop

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