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gift of the teachings
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks
Jack Kornfield
Over the years of teaching, I've found a growing need for profound lovingkindness and compassion--a transformation of the heart--to underlie the insights and understandings that come out of the practice. An opening of the mind needs to be supported by compassion from the heart if the practice is to be integrated, fulfilled, and lived in our lives.
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2021-04-12 Q and A: Joy (Mudita) | Monday Night talk 18:52
Q and A from 04-12-2021 Monday Night
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-03-22 The Sacred Pause | Monday Night talk 52:03
How do we tend ourselves, how do we tend this world? Can we pause, be present, take a step back and be the loving awareness that witnesses it all? We are consciousness itself having a human experience. This is an invitation to pause, to walk among the trees, to take time, to remember the sense of mystery. With mindfulness you may discover a peace that allows you to be present, compassionate and open. Mary Oliver writes: When I am among the trees, especially the willows and the honey locust, equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I would almost say that they save me, and daily. I am so distant from the hope of myself, in which I have goodness, and discernment, and never hurry through the world but walk slowly, and bow often. Around me the trees stir in their leaves and call out, “Stay awhile.” The light flows from their branches. And they call again, “It's simple,” they say, “and you too have come into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine.”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-03-22 Meditation: The Sacred Pause | Monday Night 26:53
Basic instructions for insight meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-03-22 Q and A: The Sacred Pause | Monday Night talk 20:02
Q and A from 03-22-2021 Monday Night
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-02-08 Seeing the World with the Heart of Wisdom | Monday Night talk 51:25
We have the capacity to be awake and to see the world as it is with a graciousness and an understanding. As the poet Mary Oliver writes, "To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go." This is our dance, our human incarnation: to tend and love that which is ephemeral.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-02-08 Meditation: Loving Awareness | Monday Night 26:47
The freedom of loving awareness is available; it just takes practice for you to remember it, and to trust that it is always here. When you feel lost, stuck in a tiny part of the big picture, contracted, or caught up, take a breath and visualize yourself stepping back. With a spacious mind, you can witness even these contracted states and hold them in loving awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-02-08 Q and A: Seeing the World with the Heart of Wisdom | Monday Night talk 20:06
Q and A from 02-08-2021 Monday Night
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-01-25 Reconciliation | Monday Night talk 53:22
Conflict is natural—we can be attached to our needs, desires, ideas and visions. Our brains are wired with a negativity bias to look for things that are threatening. But some other part of us knows there is another way. We need to pause and reflect for a moment. What is it that matters most? This vision is needed more than ever in the midst of our difficulties.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-01-25 Meditation: Reconciliation | Monday Night 31:32
This meditation is a deep-hearted reflection, a possibility, a yearning, a vision. Even if we cannot or should not speak to the other, we can find the courage to hold reconciliation and goodwill in our own heart.To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we turn our intention to the possibility of restoring harmony where suffering has set us apart. May our lives lead to wise, healthy, and courageous reconciliation. Further reading: “The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-01-25 Q and A: Reconciliation | Monday Night talk 29:56
Q and A from 01-25-2021 Monday Night
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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