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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks
Jack Kornfield
Over the years of teaching, I've found a growing need for profound lovingkindness and compassion--a transformation of the heart--to underlie the insights and understandings that come out of the practice. An opening of the mind needs to be supported by compassion from the heart if the practice is to be integrated, fulfilled, and lived in our lives.
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2020-04-20 Courage in Our Difficult Times | Monday Night talk 45:37
The value of our harshest difficulties is how honestly they cause us to question, how they intensify our courage and bring alive our deepest inner purpose, how they reawaken our soul’s task on earth. In willingly facing the unknown, we offer trust in a greater purpose. And then we must venture wherever the road leads us, in spite of the dark, in spite of the quivering of our heart. Ultimately true strength meets the vulnerability of life with courage.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-04-20 Meditation: Courage in Our Difficult Times | Monday Night 23:55
Guided meditation for bringing loving awareness to all aspects of experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-03-02 Calm Clarity Compassion | Monday Night talk 1:10:51
with Jack Kornfield, Paul Hawken
How can we navigate through hard times? This is an excerpt of a talk Jack Kornfield gave with environmentalist Paul Hawken on March 2, 2020 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center on how to stay grounded and steady as we navigate the spread of the Coronavirus and other challenges. The need for the Dharma is stronger than ever. We can choose to live in our fears, confusion, and worries, or to stay in the essence of our practice, center ourselves, and be the ones that demonstrate patience, compassion, mindfulness, and mutual care.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-01-13 Climate Change / Ram Dass | Monday Night talk 62:14
Jack talks about climate change, remembering the bigger picture of life, and the uncertainty of tomorrow. He also shares some memories and honors Ram Dass.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-12-16 Loving the World | Monday Night talk 45:03
Winter Solstice and finding inner light in times of darkness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-12-16 Meditation: Loving the World | Monday Night 23:16
Loving Kindness Meditation for the World
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-11-04 The Wisdom of the One Who Knows - Monday Night Dharma Talk 67:43
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-10-21 The Art and Heart of Forgiveness - Monday Night Dharma Talk 1:16:29
with Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2019-08-26 Who Are You? The Mystery of Identity and the Gift of Discovery, Understanding and Joy - Monday Night Dharma Talk 66:49
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-06-03 The Dharma of Climate Change - Monday Night Dharma Talk 1:18:32
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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