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gift of the teachings
John Peacock's Dharma Talks
John Peacock
John Peacock, an academic and meditation teacher for 25 years, currently teaches Buddhist studies and Indian religions at the University of Bristol, UK. He is an Associate Director of The Oxford Mindfulness Centre, recognized by Oxford University.
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2006-07-04 Change and Impermanence as a Way of Being 1:16:16
One of the greatest challenges that confronts us is how we are to live with impermanence and not attempt to evade it.
Gaia House Kindness, Tranquility and Insight
2006-07-03 The Path to Awakening 1:10:58
Gaia House Kindness, Tranquility and Insight
2006-07-02 Habit, Character and Love 1:14:01
Gaia House Kindness, Tranquility and Insight
2006-07-01 The Ethics of Love 67:42
Gaia House Kindness, Tranquility and Insight
2006-03-04 Everything Is Burning 58:19
The fires of greed, hatred and delusion can be extinguished through direct experience of the nature of craving and it's arising. A wide-ranging talk exploring this and other themes of practice and the teachings of the Buddha.
Gaia House The Practice of Calm
2005-07-29 Ethics and Responsibility 47:37
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat
2005-07-28 Ethics and the Wonderousness of Being 46:41
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat
2005-07-27 Compassion, Empathy and Kindness 46:00
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat
2005-07-26 Understanding Dukkha and Self 1:31:33
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat
2005-04-16 Compassion and Kindness (Part 2) 65:43
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

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