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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jose Reissig's Dharma Talks
Jose Reissig
After decades of practice and teaching, what inspires me are those moments when I can see the habitual as if it were for the first time. If such moments occur while I'm giving a talk, then the teacher in me can hear its own words imbued with the freshness imparted by those who truly listen -- the multiple aspects of myself being part of the audience as well. Thanks for your participation in the process.
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1999-08-05 No Problem 37:10
Rather than looking at problems as items to be solved, let us use them to discover that existence is unproblematic.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1999-08-03 Family As Family 31:06
Contemplating family as family is a fifth foundation of mindfulness for householders.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1998-08-06 Commitment 33:07
There are two way of looking at commitment. One attempts to freeze relationships in time; the other has to do with the moment.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1998-08-04 The Worldly Conditions 36:34
When we can not see any possibility outside of say, success vs. failure, we imprison ourselves. The same is true for control vs. out-of-control.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1997-08-02 Side 1: Love Unbound 38:21
Understanding the prison of separateness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1997-08-02 Side 2: Befriending Fear 39:03
Dismantling our mental constructs.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1996-10-20 Meditación Y Vida Cotidiana 41:21
meditation and daily life
Guadalajara, Mexico
1996-10-19 Side A: Instrucciones Para La Meditación Side B: La Intimidad Es Por Dentrofuera 51:50
Side A: "Meditation Instructions" includes an introduction that compares our habitual way of being in the world with abiding in awareness; plus sitting and walking instructions. Side B: intimacy is an inner/outer thing.
Guadalajara, Mexico
1996-10-18 Pongamos Fin A La Fabricacion Incesante Del Yo 32:45
"Let's put an end to the relentless fabrication of self."
Guadalajara, Mexico
1996-08-25 Nothing To Show 28:54
What have we accomplished?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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