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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jose Reissig's Dharma Talks
Jose Reissig
After decades of practice and teaching, what inspires me are those moments when I can see the habitual as if it were for the first time. If such moments occur while I'm giving a talk, then the teacher in me can hear its own words imbued with the freshness imparted by those who truly listen -- the multiple aspects of myself being part of the audience as well. Thanks for your participation in the process.
2008-11-21 Who's The Decider? 37:24
Decisions are not made by an all powerful I, but through a process of inner (and at times also outer) deliberation.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group
2008-07-13 The Nonstick Mind 43:22
To believe that clinging is a requisite for engagement is like believing that the food needs to stick to the pan in order to cook. Yet sticking only leads to burning. Likewise with clinging: it only detracts from true intimacy with life.
Holy Cross Monastery :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2008-07-12 Mind As Mirror 51:37
Ultimately, in our search behind appearances, we need to let go of "name and form" and become like a mirror which is contacting no image. In this emptiness, the mind's capacity to see -- to be aware -- shines unimpeded.
Holy Cross Monastery :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2008-07-11 Behind Appearances 48:42
To go behind appearances, to go for real into the unfamiliar, we need to go by ways which are unfamiliar.
Holy Cross Monastery :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2008-06-07 Impermanence And Stillness 43:12
In the midst of impermanence we find stillness not by avoidance or denial, but by going into the eye of the storm while clinging to nothing.
New York Insight Meditation Center One Day Retreat with Jose Reissig
2008-06-06 The Three Characteristics Of Existence 41:40
These characteristics -- impermanence, non-self, and the ensuing dissatisfaction -- provide us with the opportunity to learn the art of losing. By learning it, we come to the end of suffering.
New York Insight Meditation Center One Day Retreat with Jose Reissig
2008-04-06 Unfabricating Reality 43:00
The first step to unfabricate reality is to catch the mind in the act of fabrication. When we drop all this make-believe, we discover that our mind is naturally and awesomely spacious.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2008-04-05 Looking Forward 38:39
The future is make-believe. We take up residence in it under the misconception that it's secure. The only true security is in opening to the real.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2008-04-04 The Pool And The Cesspool 47:24
Segregation from pollutants is not enough to keep our bodies free from infection, nor our minds free from impurities. We also need to foster healing.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
2007-12-02 No Road Maps 41:18
To be really present in our journey through life we need to put aside the road maps -- i.e. the grids that position us within the familiar -- and transcend them.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat with Jose Reissig

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