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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Joseph Goldstein's Dharma Talks
Joseph Goldstein
I have two main aims in teaching. The first is to spread the dharma as widely as possible, offering it to as many different people as I can. The second is to teach a smaller number of people over sustained periods of time. This in-depth teaching engages my tremendous love for intensive, long-term meditation practice, where people can immerse themselves in the retreat experience and see how it transforms their understanding.
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2012-04-17 Equanimity - "There in the Middleness" 56:51
An exploration of the many ways equanimity brings balance to our lives. Groundlessness to the Brahma Viharas, and liberating insight to our mindfulness practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2012-04-10 "The All" 57:31
Investigating the sense spheres as the basis for understanding everything we know and how we know it.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2012-04-03 Monet's Haystack: The Art And Science Of The Meditative Journey 56:52
A discussion of the creativity and methodology of insight meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2012-03-22 La fine di Dukkha - The End of Dukkha 57:44
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Insight and Wisdom
2012-03-21 Istruzioni per la seduta, contemplazione di Dukkha, D R - Sitting Instructions re Dukkha, Qs and As re Doubt 62:52
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Insight and Wisdom
2012-03-20 Dukkha e la causa di Dukkha - Dukkha and its Cause 55:36
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Insight and Wisdom
2012-03-17 Il Dhamma in un Covone di Fieno - The Dharma in a Haystack 59:44
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Insight and Wisdom
2011-10-11 Busy Life, No-Self – Introduction & Guided Meditation 25:23
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Audio Files
2011-10-11 Busy Life, No-Self – Guided Meditation only 19:18
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Audio Files
2010-11-03 The First Noble Truth 61:31
Understanding Dukkha.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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