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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2018-05-31 Working with the Judging Mind (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 66:14
Believing our judging thoughts is not only suffering it is a misunderstanding of reality. This talk explores how the mind gets caught in judgments and how to skillfully work with them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Heart & Mind
2018-05-30 Day 1: Morning Instructional Sit (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 40:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Heart & Mind
2018-05-26 Compassion - Full Expression of a Joyful Heart (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:21
When we feel connected and alive our natural response to suffering is a caring heart. Different dimensions of compassion are explored.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-26 Day 5 Talk/Experiential Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:35
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-25 Day 4: Talk/Experiential Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 52:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-25 Day 4: Morning sit with Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 37:11
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-24 Learning to Love Ourselves (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:44
In order to awaken joy we have to learn to have a healthy relationship with ourselves - holding our pain and sorrows as well as learning to appreciate all of our beautiful qualities.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-22 Day 1 Talk/Experiential Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:53
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy
2018-05-17 "It's All in Your Mind" 63:43
In the opening line of the Dhammapada the Buddha teaches: "We are what we think with our thoughts we make the world." Although we have limited control over what happens to us, we can hold our experience with a wise perspective that makes all the difference. Famed Buddhist writer Christmas Humphreys put it this way: "The one miracle this path has to offer is a change of heart." We can change our relation to experience and make the shift from suffering to clear seeing, wisdom and compassion. In this talk James sings a song he wrote in his 20's entitled "It's All in Your Mind".
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2018-05-10 "Clear Comprehension Part 2" 59:30
In the Satipatthana Sutta (MN#10), the Buddha's discourse on mindfulness, the Buddha instructs us to contemplate mindfully, ardent and clearly comprehending each of the four foundations. "Clear comprehension" also translated as "clearly knowing" includes four areas of context for our mindfulness practice. In Part 1 we explored the first two elements of Clear Comprehension: "Clear Comprehension of Purpose" and "Clear Comprehension of Suitability of Action". In this talk we discuss the second two aspects: "Clear Comprehension in the Domain of Meditation" and "Clear Comprehension of Reality". With metta, James
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

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