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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2016-03-24 "Sacred Activism Part. 2: We Don't Know What We Don't Know" 59:04
In our response to unsettling news we can easily react with self-righteousness, sure that our "dharmic" view is the "right one" and feeling superior to those who act in ways we don't understand. But the Buddha asked us to put aside any such arrogance. Through genuinely trying to understand another's perspective, we can cultivate true humility for our ignorance of their reality and greater understanding about the thinking behind their actions. Then our response, which might be one of fierce compassion, is not coming from hatred and ill will but from compassion and wisdom. This talk includes some thoughts on white privilege as well as Andrew Harvey's brilliant audio clip on Sacred Activism.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2016-03-17 Sacred Activism Part 1: The Line Between Politics & Moral Imperative 57:12
These days as the political rhetoric gets heated and a feeling of unpredictability and potential violence grows practitioners may ask: "What is the appropriate dharmic response?" Is there a time when political involvement becomes a dharmic activity? And, if so, how can we be engaged in a skillful way as an integral part of our practice?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2016-03-10 "The Brightness of Awareness: An Evening with Catherine Ingram" 60:54
with Catherine Ingram, James Baraz
James guest is Catherine Ingram, long time vipassana practitioner (with James on his first retreat in 1974 and IMS staff member in the 70's) as well as beloved non-dual teacher. After her talk and dialogues with the audience, James and Catherine have a conversation about applying the non-dual perspective in daily life situations.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2016-03-03 "Intensive Practice: Benefits and How It Works" 57:24
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2016-02-26 Supports for Practice 58:50
In addition to formal meditation, the Buddha gave 5 supports for one's dharma practice (Meghiya Sutta) In addition, other attitude for deepening practice are offered.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long
2016-02-23 Day 23 Brahma Vihara Practice: Equanimity: Benefactor and Dear Friend 49:42
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long
2016-02-21 Trust 60:07
With so many strategies and messages about how to practice, how do we know the "right" way to practice? The Buddha said ultimately you should "be a lamp onto yourself." This comes down to trusting the wisdom inside. How can we discern the wisdom voice from the voices rooted in fear and confusion?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long
2016-02-18 Day 19: Morning Instructional Sit: Breath Concentration 18:43
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long
2016-02-17 Planting Seeds of Happiness: Non-Greed, Non-Hatred and Non-Delusion 60:14
Every moment we are planting seeds of suffering or seeds of happiness. Through mindfulness, we are cultivating letting go and generosity (non-greed), kindness and love (non-hatred) and clarity and wisdom (non-delusion)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long
2016-02-16 Day 17 Brahma Vihara Instructions: Compassion: Neutral and difficult person 47:23
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long

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