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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2013-09-05 Emaho!: How Amazing 52:19
When we look deeply into reality we see things with a fresh eye and open to the miracles that are all around us. This sense of wonder and awe helps our mindfulness practice come alive especially developing the awakening factors of investigation, energy and joy.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2013-09-01 Transforming Fear into Love 61:03
Practice is an alchemical process that turns dukkha into sukkha. If we have the courage to face our demons and learn to open to our blessings, we radiate love and wisdom that not only transforms ourselves but the world as well.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat
2013-08-29 The What, Why and How of Mindfulness Practice 61:11
What mindfulness is, the benefits that result from its cultivation and the skillful attitudes that support practice: relaxed, interested and kind awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat
2013-08-22 Follow Your Heartbreak 51:12
Inspired by Andrew Harvey's book A Guide to Sacred Activism. The journey of transformation, both personal and global, includes our hearts opening to all the suffering we encounter and letting our heart be shattered and break open to new possibilities. This is a natural and essential component of true awakening. This process is explored on different levels: our own dharma practice, the classical Progress of Insight and what Harvey calls "The Dark Night of the Species."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
In collection: One Earth Sangha
2013-08-08 Facing in the Right Direction 48:28
Reflections on Ajahn Chah and his teaching on the wisdom of allowing your practice to take its natural course without forcing it or thinking you can control it.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2013-08-01 Kindness 51:06
Dedicated to Spirit Rock caretaker Steve Young who passed away the day of the talk and who embodied kindness. The power of kindness to bring us happiness and being conscious about the consequences of choosing to act or not act from kindness.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 1 25:58
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 2 7:47
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 3 59:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 4 33:31
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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