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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2009-04-20 Burma Night (Part 1) 39:28
Jack Kornfield
Burma Slide Show and Choir
2009-04-20 Burma Night (Part 2) 32:13
Jack Kornfield
Burma Slide Show and Choir
2009-04-22 Cultivating Equanimity, pt I 56:00
Donald Rothberg
coming soon
2009-04-29 Cultivating Equanimity, pt II 55:01
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the cultivation of equanimity by focusing especially on how we keep balance and, increasingly, unshakability with the eight worldly winds of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, and praise and blame. We also focus on the qualities of understanding, joy and faith found in mature equanimity, with stories from Martin Luther Kind, Jr., Etty Hillesun and more treatment of multiple near-enemies of equnimity.
2009-05-04 Awakening to the Mystery of the Body 56:37
Mark Coleman
Mindfulness practice and the body - Learning to cultivate the awareness of the body as temple, as mystery and as a vehicle for mindfulness and awakening
2009-05-06 Practicing with the Shadow, pt 1 59:04
Donald Rothberg
Exploring the shadow - personal, relational, and collective - is one way to work through the deep structure of ignorance. We explore the nature of the shadow, the phenomenon of projection, and several ways to practice with the shadow.
2009-05-11 Halfway between Heaven & Earth 53:15
Mark Coleman
As human beings, we move between the boundless, profound dimensions and the more mundane, worldly realms of body and mind. How do we in our practice cultivate an openness and receptivity to our boundless nature and not be so caught in our mind.
2009-05-13 Practicing with the Shadow, pt 2 61:04
Donald Rothberg
The shadow as it relates to spiritual practice. That which does not fit the self image is excluded and becomes part of one's shadow. Reactivity as in indication that shadow material is in play. We explore ways in which a fixed self of is linked to shadow.
2009-05-20 Practicing with the Shadow, pt III The Collective Shadow and How We Work with It 65:24
Donald Rothberg
We first revisit the exploration of the shadow, how it forms, and how we work with it, we then look into the nature of collective shadow phenomena, how the personal and collective shadow inter-penetrate, and how we work with the collective shadow. The key, as always, is to establish a relatively safe space to develop awareness, compassion and wisdom, leading to skillful action.
2009-05-27 Have you trained your heart to love. - Talk Not Recorded 0:00
Sylvia Boorstein
(Recording not available) 
talk was not recorded.
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