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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
The Buddha Was Right
2021-04-01 The Buddha Was Right 18:13
Ayya Medhanandi
As seekers of truth, we turn the wheel of Dhamma inwardly. There alone can we understand the mind’s purity and directly know the true rhythm of the heart, undiluted by worldly refrains. The sounds of the world can turn coarse and invasive until we listen to the silence in our interior depths. Secluded from life's relentless currents, we traverse the ‘cloud of unknowing’ with the riches of our virtue. Then we shall dis-cover and gain strength enough to fulfill the way of the Buddha, a transcendent going forth through the gates of the Deathless.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)

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