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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
A Jet Plane To Nibbana
2023-12-17 A Jet Plane To Nibbana 23:04
Ayya Medhanandi
Across millenia, the Buddha speaks of his awakening – teaching us how to take refuge, how to be fearless, how to walk the Middle Way, how to understand suffering, and how to know what to trust. Fear is the opposite of trust. So be willing to relinquish concepts and questions and let yourself live into the answers day by day where fear can end – there in the pure sanctuary of the heart. For this, we learn to have compassion even for those who kill us. But we must give up what is not trustworthy. With courage, compassion, and clear awareness of what we face now, stay quietly present and listen carefully. The truth will speak, and we shall understand.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

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