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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-07-31 Love is Always Here 58:22
Tara Brach
One expression of suffering is forgetting that we are intrinsically lovable and worthy. This talk looks at the pathway to trusting our belonging, and focuses on the healing that comes from letting in love and mirroring others goodness. Talk includes quotes from Henri Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-07-31 Realignment ~ Let the Alchemy Take Place 55:03
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2024-07-31 Samadhi 49:39
Chas DiCapua
What samadhi is, skillful ways to cultivate it, and the roles mindfulness and renunciation play in its development
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds

2024-07-31 Living from Our Depths 2 62:08
Donald Rothberg
We continue with our exploration of how we contact what is "deep" in our lives and in life, and how we stay connected with our depths in our practice. We initially give a review of some of what we explored last week, recalling some of the many metaphors used for deepening in our lives in spiritual traditions, including awakening, being on a journey, liberation, seeing clearly whereas previously we didn't see clearly, coming to wholeness, among others. We recall the Buddhist emphasis on wisdom (especially the three ways of seeing that liberate--seeing into impermanence, dukkha or reactivity, and not-self; as well as touching nibbana); compassion; and skillful action. We hear also from several people sharing their experiences of their depths. We then explore a number of ways to stay connected in daily life with our depths, including several not mentioned last week. The talk is followed by discussion, including sharing of some ways that people in the group find helpful in terms of staying connected with their depths, including using phrases like "Begin again" and "Keep coming back."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-07-31 A Guided Meditation Supporting "Living from Our Depths" (related to the Talk Today): Developing Concentration, Exploring Mindfulness (including of Impermanence and Reactivity), and Practicing Lovingkindness 35:55
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-07-30 Week 5, Part 2 - Teachings, Guided Meditation 1:16:24
Zohar Lavie
Mettā to phenomena.
Gaia House Mettā and Insight

2024-07-30 Metta Practice 45:40
Chas DiCapua
Metta practice using the easy being and self
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds

2024-07-30 Renunciation: Turning Away and Turning Towards 32:01
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-07-29 Buddhism, Sex, and Mindfulness: The Don’ts and Do's 1:26:11
Diana Winston
Sex is an incredibly important topic for many people, but is rarely talked about in the insight meditation lineage. This talk first explores the Theravadin Buddhist teachings on sex as they relate to monastics and lay people and then offers tools for bringing our dharma practice to sexual activity. We start with the “don'ts”, looking back at the canonical teachings on sex, and investigate the third precept— refraining from sexual misconduct—as a foundational for integrity in sexual activity. We then move to the “do’s”: how in these times might the dharma teachings offer wisdom to the realm of sex? The key— mindfulness for embodiment, self-awareness, communication, and presence.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-07-29 Morning Instructions:Choosing an anchor 1:10:02
Chas DiCapua
Introducing and explaining the anchors of touch points, whole body, breathing in and out
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds

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