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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2002-12-12 Q&A 63:16
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-12 Q&A 61:36
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-12 The Poison Arrow 46:43
Ayya Medhanandi
Stokes Valley Monastery Retreat, New Zealand The poison arrow of ignorance spreads its toxins through passion, desire and ill will. By sitting still, applying mindfulness and surrendering to what is, the right view will illuminate our minds and will help us extract the arrow and heal the wound.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2002-12-11 Your Creative Process 25:05
Anna Douglas
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-12-10 A Mind Empowered 5 Ways 34:01
Ayya Medhanandi
Learn how we can refine our mental skills of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom. Enhanced by right view and a deepened understanding of the Four Noble Truths, these spiritual powers vanquish hatred and fear, nurturing our readiness to forgive, and the blessed qualities of universal loving-kindness and compassion. A talk given during a 10-day retreat at Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2002-12-09 Chariot to Nibbana 57:21
Ayya Medhanandi
What is the best chariot according to the Dhamma? A commentary on the Buddha’s conversation with Ananda about the noble vehicle that will carry you victoriously along the spiritual path - to Nibbana, full awakening.  A talk given at a 10-day retreat in Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2002-12-08 Practice Here & There - Practice Everywhere 66:10
Marcia Rose
Integrating practice into the whole of our life; this beautiful noble path of awakening as a great support and a great protection for our life as our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-12-07 When Things Fall Apart 62:13
Gavin Harrison

2002-12-07 Self-Kindness and Self-Indulgence 42:31
Rodney Smith
Study a few of your behaviors this week such as sleeping, eating, or recreational enjoyment such as listening to music or watching videos. How much of these activities arise from self-indulgence and how much from self-kindness? Are all forms of entertainment self-indulgent? Since almost any action can be either indulgent or kind, what determines which way you label it? When you consider yourself equally deserving (self-love) then the quality of your action is as important as the result. Do you believe this is a true statement? What does self-love have to do with the way you do things? Isn't it good enough that the results benefit others? Explore this question this week and watch whether you consider yourself equally deserving in your actions.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-12-06 Coming Home To Ourselves 58:30
Kamala Masters
This talk is about some of the beautiful qualities of mind that are cultivated with each moment of mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

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