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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2019-01-28 Metta is a Relational Practice 64:46
Ariya B. Baumann
The spirit of metta; metta is a relational practice; metta in deed, speech, and thought
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 5th Annual Metta Retreat: 1st Session

2019-01-25 Wisdom and Compassion 55:51
Ariya B. Baumann
Wisdom and compassion are essential in the Buddha’s teachings; the near and far enemy of metta
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 5th Annual Metta Retreat: 1st Session

2019-01-23 Dharma Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 2 64:30
Donald Rothberg
We review and deepen the exploration of three core themes that are the shared heart of the approaches of the Buddha and Dr. King: (1) the wisdom and understanding of the nature of dukkha and the aim of ending of dukkha - understood in this context as reactivity and violence in their different forms; (2) the centrality of the wise heart- understood as love, metta, compassion, etc and the importance of acting from this wise heart; and (3) integrity - the coherence, consistency, and authenticity of one's life, especially in relationship to the first two themes. We then begin an imagined "dialogue" between the Buddha and Dr. King that might point to an integration of deep inner and outer practice based on these principles.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2019-01-17 Mettā, Mindfulness, and More, in Service of a 'Forest of Bliss' 39:14
Nathan Glyde
Bringing all of ourselves to what we do. And using all the skills we have learned on the cushion into the world. Burgeoning the boundaries by fecund fabrication. This retreat takes place in home for the outcasts Anandwan (lit: Forest of Bliss/Joy), in Maharashtra, India.
SanghaSeva Anandwan

2019-01-16 Dharma Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 1 67:13
Donald Rothberg
On the day after Dr. King's birthday, we explore three themes that are central both to dharma practice and to the life and work of Dr. King, and that are interpreted in strikingly similar ways. The three themes are (1) the core of wisdom as an understanding of non-reactivity, the end of dukkha, nonviolence; (2) the centrality of love/metta or lovingkindness/compassion; and (3) integrity--the wholeness and coherence of one's life guided by these core principles and spiritual qualities.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2019-01-14 Bringing Metta Practice Home and into the World (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:47
Donald Rothberg
We explore a number of ways to continue to deepen our metta practice, in terms of individual practice, bringing metta into relationships, and being guided by metta in our participation in the healing and transformation of the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2019-01-13 Guided Meditation On Elements And Metta 46:05
Chris Cullen
A guided standing meditation on elements (15 minutes) followed by simple seated meditation on Metta.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: The Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Modalities and Research

2019-01-13 Day 6 Morning Instructions: Metta Mandala -All Beings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:29
Heather Sundberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2019-01-09 The Nature of Metta (Lovingkindness) Practice: An Overview (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:27
Donald Rothberg
We explore the core intention of metta practice, to bring kindness, warmth, and care to every moment and every being. We examine how metta practice develops further steadiness (samadhi), how it helps us to lead with the heart and work with what stands in the way of the open, kind heart. As we practice further, we open increasingly to the radiance of our hearts and our being. We keep training, and we bring our metta practice into the world, where it is deeply needed. We close with two stories of metta practice in the world in challenging situations.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2019-01-01 Guided Movement Practice 45:54
Yanai Postelnik
Metta - Loving kindness practice for our body.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

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