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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-12-13 Metta for the Neutral Person (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:05
Erin Selover
Day 3 Instructional Sit
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love-A Metta and Qigong Retreat

2018-12-06 Mettā Pervades Awareness 41:37
Nathan Glyde
Opening the sense of awareness and letting it have the flavour of kind welcoming to all phenomena.
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Everything Leans–Interconnection and Emptiness on the Path of Freedom

2018-11-26 Guided Meditation 08 - Lotus Visualisation Metta Loving Kindness 1:42:00
Ajahn Achalo
Anandagiri Forest Monastery

2018-11-26 Guided Meditation 07 - Heart Focused Metta Loving Kindness 1:29:01
Ajahn Achalo
Anandagiri Forest Monastery

2018-11-23 Guided Meditation 06 - Meeting Mahapajapati Bhikkhuni Metta Visualisation - Loving Kindness 63:01
Ajahn Achalo
Anandagiri Forest Monastery

2018-11-23 Guided Meditation 05 - Meeting Lord Buddha Metta Visualisation - Loving Kindness 61:05
Ajahn Achalo
Anandagiri Forest Monastery

2018-11-09 Freeing Metta, LGBTQI+ Retreat, Netherlands 29:27
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2018-11-04 An Overview Of The Four Brahmaviharas. 50:30
Jill Shepherd
An exploration of the Metta/Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity and the interrelationships between them.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2018-11-02 Liberating Metta 28:29
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Coming Back to Our Senses

2018-10-25 Introduction To Metta Meditation. 50:36
Rebecca Bradshaw
Includes a guided metta (loving-kindness) practice for oneself and an easy person.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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