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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-12-21 Bringing in the Light - Solstice Reflections on the Awakening Factors 42:09
Ayya Anandabodhi
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-21 Dismantling time 45:03
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka CBM 2024 Talks

2024-12-21 Passions of Buddha, Pt.2 : Boundless Compassion 1:26:13
Nathan Glyde
An Online Dharma Hall session includes a Guided Meditation, a Dharma Talk, and responses to unrecorded questions. A three-part series examining the role of passion, compassion, and dispassion on the Buddha's path to peace. This week, the freedom pathway and fruit of compassion. Including the interplay between compassion, forgiveness, and healing of the heart; the well-being that comes from the cultivation of a boundless expansive heart—and how this way we can resource ourselves beyond habitual routes (that don't really work) towards satisfaction and well-being that (really does).
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - December 2024

2024-12-21 Grounded and Open to the New: Reflections on Winter Solstice and the Four Brahmaviharas 53:14
Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-21 Mindfulness of Citta: Third Foundation 64:00
Devon Hase
Teachings on mindfulness of the heart/mind including guided practice recognizing and allowing our emotions, moods, and mindstates.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light

2024-12-21 Morning Reflection: Winter Solstice: Cosmic, elemental, and personal 19:22
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-21 Chanting + A Reflection on Joy 40:39
Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

2024-12-20 How to Work with the Hindrances 57:15
Devon Hase
Stories and teachings on working with Nivaranas - they are not hindrances if we know them with mindfulness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light

2024-12-20 The Brahma Viharas: The Importance of Joy 49:54
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-20 Chanting 40:39
Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Chanting, Joy, and the Seven Factors of Awakening

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