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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-06-04 Meditation on Water 37:18
Ayya Santussika
Guided meditation on the water element, internally and externally, and meditating "like water" so "arisen agreeable and disagreeable contacts will not invade the mind and remain."
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-03 Earth Meditation 24:27
Ayya Santussika
Guided meditation on the earth element, internally and externally, and meditating "like the earth."
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-03 Advice to Rahula 24:59
Ayya Santussika
Using the Buddha's advice to his son, Rahula, on developing different types of meditation, starting with meditating on the earth element internally and externally, and meditating "like the earth."
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-02 The Liberating Potential of Awareness Practice - Meditation 19:05
Mark Nunberg
Southern Dharma Retreat Center

2023-06-01 Session 3: Including Hindrances as Companions on the Path 30:08
Zohar Lavie
Part 3: Guided Meditation
Gaia House Gathering in Wellbeing (online series)

2023-06-01 talk: the pāramī of resolve 35:23
Jill Shepherd
Exploring the quality of resolve as a resource in three arenas: for strengthening our commitment to regular meditation practice; going on retreat; and facing in to the challenges of the climate crisis
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023

2023-05-31 Meditation: Relaxing with Life 20:53
Tara Brach
This meditation begins with a body scan, and then we practice opening to and relaxing with our changing experience. The sitting closes with a beautiful poem by Danna Faulds, “Just for Now.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-05-31 Facing Fear (Part 2) – Awakening Your Fearless Heart 53:16
Tara Brach
Fear is a natural and universal part of our incarnation, and, when it goes on overdrive, we get imprisoned in the suffering of separation. These two talks explore how the RAIN meditation can help us face fear, and discover the boundless loving awareness that includes but is not contracted by currents of fear. (Part 2)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-05-29 Meditation and the Garden of Life - Raising Children & Equanimity 36:48
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Family Retreat

2023-05-29 Early Morning Meditation - with Teens Group 15:59
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Family Retreat

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