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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-08-08 Healing Depression with Meditation – Part 2 52:19
Tara Brach
Most people get depressed at times, and many suffer greatly from bouts of major depression. At the heart of the suffering is the experience of severed belonging—of being imprisoned in the pain of separation, unworthiness, unlovability and hopelessness. These two talks explore several meditation practices that reconnect us with our natural aliveness, openheartedness and awareness. They empower us to develop our inner resources, energize us to awaken, free us from rumination and remind us that we are not our depressive thoughts and feelings. The growing realization of the loving awareness that is our home heals the very roots of depression.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2018-08-08 You Have the Paper Clip (Wise Effort) (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:32
JoAnna Hardy
The 4 wise efforts for Young Adult Retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight for Young Adults

2018-08-08 28 talk: an overview of the brahmaviharas with a focus on compassion 42:17
Jill Shepherd
Exploring how all four brahmavihara practices strengthen and support each other, then focusing on compassion and self-compassion as antidotes to afflictive mental states
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-08-08 Metta – An Inner Path to Peace 49:05
Ariya B. Baumann
If we want this world to be a peaceful place, we must first develop peace within.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-08 27 guided meditation: metta using the radiating energy method 19:49
Jill Shepherd
Guided metta meditation using the radiating energy method, without reciting phrases or in relation to categories of people
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-08-08 26 short instructions: radiating energy method of metta practice 6:55
Jill Shepherd
Very short instructions for practising metta using the radiating energy method
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-08-08 Day 5 Morning Instructions and Q&A 57:10
Mark Nunberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Sure Heart’s Release: Insight and Metta Retreat

2018-08-08 25 guided meditation: metta for the benefactor 27:30
Jill Shepherd
Guided meditation practising metta for the benefactor, using the reciting phrases method
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-08-08 24 instructions: metta 16:21
Jill Shepherd
How physical and mental seclusion supports samadhi, stability of mind or concentration, and how the reciting phrases method of metta practice also helps strengthen samadhi
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-08-08 Practicing with Difficulties and Challenges 2: The Eight Worldly Winds 63:20
Donald Rothberg
After a review of the six ways of practicing with difficulties and challenges presented last week, we explore the important teaching of the “Eight Worldly Winds” that keep us caught in reactivity—pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, and praise and blame. Working with this teaching gives us another very helpful lens for working with difficulties and also with our tendencies to grasp—onto pleasure, gain, fame, and praise. We suggest several ways of practicing with this teaching, as a further way to deepen and energize our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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