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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2012-09-24 Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Karma - Week 2 64:50
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Karma

2012-09-17 Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Karma - Week 1 1:19:49
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Karma

2012-08-30 Instant Karma 31:29
Fred Von Allmen
Absicht, Handlig, Würkig – Üses Handlä prägt üs sälber
Kalyanamitta Basel

2012-07-05 Karma and Sila as Gaia Practices 53:57
James Baraz
This is part 3 of the series 'Appropriate Response at the Tipping Point' that began 6/14. In this talk, James discusses the first three of the five transformational commitments in Bob Doppelt's book From Me to We:

1. See the systems you are part of
2. Be accountable for all the consequences of your actions
3. Abide by society’s most deeply held universal principles of morality and justice

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
In collection: Appropriate Response at the Tipping Point

2012-07-05 Karma, Rebirth and the Eight Fold Path 1:16:52
Ayya Tathaloka
Karma, Rebirth and the Eight Fold Path by Ayya Tathaaloka. Stephanie Tate closes the night with a Metta meditation.

2012-05-02 Karma 57:28
Joseph Goldstein
How Can We Be Happy In Our Lives?
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-04-07 The Preciousness of Life 63:51
Howard Cohn
All about the Tibetan teaching on the four reminders: preciousness of life, impermanence, karma, and the defects of samsara.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga Retreat

2012-03-11 Compassion as the Path and Expression of Awakening 59:40
Heather Sundberg
A "talk from the heart" blending aspects of wisdom and compassion. Teachings on the five recollections, the three characteristics and how to work with difficulties in cultivating compassion are offered through stories from the life of the Buddha, Dipa Ma, Darlene Cohen, Ruth Denison and His Holiness the Karmapa.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, March Month Long

2012-02-26 Patterns of Becoming 5: the End of Karma 57:38
Guy Armstrong
The fifth and last in a series of talks discusses the troublesome patterns of mind and volitional action that we identify as self, and how we can step out of them with the tools of dharma practice. The Buddha said that one who is fully awake has found an end to karma, and end to compulsive formations.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long

2012-02-21 Patterns of Becoming 4: Karma and Rebirth 64:42
Guy Armstrong
This fourth in a series pf talks on the formation of self explores how volitional actions, known as karma, occur in repetitive patterns and lead to lawful consequences in this life and even in a future life through rebirth. once we understand them, we can use these patterns to shape our lives in the direction of happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long

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