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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-02-08 This Precious Opportunity 63:24
James Baraz
Suffering can lead to contraction and more suffering or can be a catalyst for awakening. Just why and how some people have the good karma to hear the Dharma and practice is a mysterious blessing and precious opportunity. This talk explores the different temperaments that fuel practice, known as the Four Iddhipadas.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long

2011-11-13 Right View & Kamma 64:16
Ajahn Yatiko
A talk given on Wise View and Karma at Spirit Rock's monastic daylong in November 2011 with senior teachers from Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery. The focus of this day is an exploration of mundane and transcendent right view and how skillful action and lifestyle support meditation practice and the development of insight.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-10-16 Karma and the End of Karma 64:24
Guy Armstrong
This talk covers four key areas of the Buddha’s teachings on karma: action, results of action, relation to not-self, and the end of karma. Publishable online for the general public
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2011-09-21 The Power Of Intention 62:59
James Baraz
Intention is the basis of all karma. It is also a key aspect of dharma practice, both in moment to moment experience as well as our aspiration, vision that fuels our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2011-05-21 Habits, Action and Personality 46:13
Shaila Catherine
Underlying tendencies (toward greed, hate, and delusion) fuel habits that obstruct our freedom. Tendencies toward irritation, anger, craving, and ignorance may arise in times of stress when our mindfulness is weak, and they distort our perception of things. But tendencies arise in both luxurious and modest environments, in situations of comfort as well as pain. How we relate to experience reinforces patterns and conditioning. Greed, hate, and delusion are causes for the arising of kamma (karma). The simile of the two darts describes the difference between simply enduring bodily feelings of pain, and proliferating reactions of anger and aversion that add suffering to our pain. This talk explores the primary tendencies of sensual desire, anger, and ignorance, and shows how we can free the mind from their influence in our everyday life.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Everyday Dhamma—Teachings for the Lay Life

2011-03-22 Karma 10:55
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

2010-12-01 The Karma Concerning Liberation 44:55
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2010-11-17 Emptiness and Karma 60:13
Guy Armstrong
At first glance it might seem the teaching of karma, in which our actions bring results to ourselves, might be in contradiction to the understanding that our experience is empty of a self. However, the two teachings on emptiness and karma actually need each other for liberation to be possible.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: A Meditation and Study Retreat

2010-11-17 Practicing with Intentions 46:52
Donald Rothberg
We explore 1) The nature of intentions, 2) The importance of intentions in our practice, 3) karma and intentions, and 4) how to practice with intentions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-10-22 Kamma - Karma 58:43
Marcia Rose
Exploring kamma as a very accessible aspect of the Buddha's teaching... kamma as intention or motivation, which includes will, choice and decision... the mental impetus that leads to actions... both creative and destructive actions.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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