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Please support Dharma Seed with a 2024 year-end gift.

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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-09-17 Instructions and Guided Meditation 40:35
Chris Cullen
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-09-16 Instructions and Guided Meditation 46:32
Chris Cullen
Metta Practice - the Neutral and the Difficult Person
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-09-16 Instructions and Guided Meditation 41:08
Christina Feldman
This recording also includes Chris Cullen, who offers guidance on the practice of walking meditation.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-09-15 Instructions and Guided Meditation 50:37
Chris Cullen
Metta Practice - Introduction and the Categories of Oneself and Benefactor
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-09-15 Instructions and Guided Meditation 43:04
Chris Cullen
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-09-13 Aligning with Change - Guided Meditation 35:11
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-09-13 Guided Meditation - Basic Luminosity of Citta 11:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Establish strong mindfulness that can act as a frame for shifting states of mind. Go easy on the mental content letting it all pass through. Aware of a basic luminosity, or vibrancy, assess what is needed to encourage citta – goodwill, patience, dispassion.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-09-07 Manifesting Metta in All Directions 27:19
A guided meditation offered as part of the Sunday evening program of Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group (SBMG)
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-09-06 Guided Meditation – Arrive at the Basis 10:57
Ajahn Sucitto
Citta has its own basic clarity and sanity. Practice to establish citta on its own ground, where there is no suffering. This is the upright citta, the foundation for all the virtues leading to awakening.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-09-02 Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness 21:28
Tara Brach
When we are in our daily trance, we are often leaning forward, on our way somewhere else. In this meditation we are guided to relax back into the awareness that is always, already here. We explore relaxing back through a body scan, and then with all our senses wide open. With practice we increasingly find our pathway home by relaxing the clench of doings, and resting in what is.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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