Instructions for surveying the movements of mind and body from a wider, detached perspective. See the patterns that arise without fixating on them. Topics can then be approached from a more enlightened perspective.
Fear is the absence of love. Our inner purification is a movement away from fear to the embodiment of pure love - even to love the dying moment. We grow in stillness and peace as if sailing an ocean of joy, in the peace of the mind's deepest waters where we can touch the Deathless. A guided meditation and reflections offered during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Awareness is open – it simply knows and can witness. If we can widen and broaden awareness, we don’t have to get snagged by the circumstances of our “self-package”.
Beginning by orienting to pleasant feeling-tones in the body as a way in to the experience of appreciation, then opening to other aspects of one's life that are going well, and noticing the effect of mudita on the body, heart and mind