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Please support Dharma Seed with a 2024 year-end gift.

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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-07-18 In-and-out breathing guided meditation Part I 29:43
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2020-07-18 Secure Connection, Free Roaming 23:03
Ayya Medhanandi
Removing our harness to the world, we really detach and make the intention in the mind to stop. Having moved inwardly into this now moment, we pause and secure our internal connection to truth. This work requires our faith, vigilance, sustained attention, care and perseverance. We long for freedom and it will arise, releasing us to roam free in the vast space of the mind – empty and awake. A guided meditation and Dhamma talk.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2020-07-18 Guided Meditation – Coming out of the Restricted State 33:57
Ajahn Sucitto
Coming out of restriction requires examining stuck places with awareness. Guidance is provided to explore the experience the bodily form as it happens.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unrestricted Awareness

2020-07-17 We’re Not Separate At All 32:43
Ayya Medhanandi
During times of global pandemic, it’s easier to see how deeply connected we are in our vulnerability to disease. Meditating and touching the silent space of the heart, we see how deeply connected we are at all times – connected in dis-ease – in fear, in sorrow, in suffering; and also in our potential for joy. And we discover the well-spring of goodness within us from which that joy arises. A guided meditation and Dhamma reflections.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2020-07-16 02 meditation: mindfulness of sounds 27:02
Jill Shepherd
guided meditation starting with the breath and physical sensations, opening up to sounds and hearing
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

2020-07-14 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation, Week 2 - Meditation 55:51
Mark Nunberg
Intro talk followed by guided meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Intro To Mindfulness Meditation

2020-07-12 Guided Meditation: Anicca or Inconstancy 12:41
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-07-12 Guided Meditation -- Anicca or Inconstancy 12:41
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-07-12 Guided Meditation -- Investigation 24:13
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-07-11 Breath Energy Guided Meditation 39:12
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

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