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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-03-24 Inspired by Change: How to Cultivate a Resilient Heart while Caring about Our Changing World (Non-residential Retreat at Spirit Rock) 2:29:26
James Baraz, Bob Doppelt
Today’s world is filled with challenging issues that often push us to our emotional boundaries. With complex issues that include environmental challenges like climate change, social injustices, racism, terrorism and other forms of moral distress, life can often feel overwhelming. Yet there’s hope as well as a proven path to help us cope with and face life’s challenges with renewed vigor and determination. Friday Morning, first session
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2017-03-23 Personal, Perfect, and Permanent 47:48
Kim Allen
Using Ruth King's nomenclature for the Three Characteristics, this talk explores the ways in which we misperceive in our daily life.
Insight Santa Cruz

2017-03-23 Transpersonal: The Place of Don't Have To 27:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn Sucitto describes how our efforts to be good and “get it right” tend to come from a constricting place. Such efforts are accompanied by self-consciousness, criticism and stress which block access to the innate good qualities of our own heart. This talk outlines a way to move from the strategies of the head to the opening of the heart by coming into the body.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings

2017-03-22 Taking the “Exquisite Risk”: An Undefended Heart 50:36
Tara Brach
Poet Mark Nepo uses the phrase “exquisite risk” to describe our willingness to be fully alive, open, available, living true to our heart. This talk explores the challenges and blessings of taking the exquisite risk, both in becoming more intimate with our inner life, and in engaging with others from full authenticity.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-03-22 How Patience and Resolve Cultivate Equanimity 58:37
Phillip Moffitt
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retreat

2017-03-22 Five Ways to Transform your Meditation Practice 54:00
Oren Jay Sofer
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2017-03-22 Meditation - Relaxing Back into Full Presence 23:36
Tara Brach
This guided practice begins with a conscious breath that relaxes the body and mind, and then a body scan to awaken to the aliveness of the present moment. We then open into the natural awareness that includes the changing flow of sounds, feelings and sensations, and practice “relaxing back” when the mind gets lost in thought.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-03-22 Day 25: Brahma Vihara Instructions 29:15
Adrianne Ross
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retreat

2017-03-22 Relying on Your Gut Intelligence 24:08
Ajahn Sucitto
In this morning talk, Ajahn Sucitto points to a gut intelligence we all have that can be relied on to save us from the thinking mind. The thinking mind creates suffering. Our embodied (gut) intelligence is a savior, a source of safety; it always tells the truth.
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery :  Morning Meeting Offerings

2017-03-22 The Point of All Our Practice (Drop-in at Spirit Rock) 2:11:49
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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