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Please support Dharma Seed with a 2024 year-end gift.

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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-03-13 Guided Meditation 31:56
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Nurturing the Compassionate Heart: Moving Beyond the Inner Critic

2020-03-11 Guided Heart Meditation: Loving Kindness – Befriending our Lives 27:21
Tara Brach
This heart meditation guides us in how to cultivate a deep quality of friendliness in relating to our inner life and each other. The gift of this practice is a direct sense of belonging – knowing that we can never be alone (retreat meditation).
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-03-11 Instructions and Guided Meditation 53:07
Jenny Wilks
Gaia House Nurturing the Compassionate Heart: Moving Beyond the Inner Critic

2020-03-08 Wise Livelihood - Meditation 34:08
Mark Nunberg
Chant followed by guided meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-03-07 Freedom from Anxiety, Trusting Uncertainty and Change: Living the Practice Workshop, Part 1 50:16
Mark Nunberg
Short guided meditation followed by Dharma Talk, small group discussions, and large group share back.
Common Ground Meditation Center Freedom from Anxiety, Trusting Uncertainty and Change: Living the Practice Workshop

2020-03-06 Lightly Guided Meditation 27:45
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Meditation Day - Relaxing into Presence

2020-03-06 Lightly Guided Meditation (Standing, Leading into Sitting Meditation) 30:34
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Meditation Day - Relaxing into Presence

2020-03-06 Guided Meditation 29:01
Gavin Milne
Touching into the experience of breath and body.
Gaia House

2020-03-05 Guided Meditation: Four Elements Meditation 40:10
Susie Harrington
A guided Elements Meditation with 8 minute intro to finding balance and accessing ease through earth connection. Second morning of retreat 3 in 15 month program. (Program Sponsored by the Sati Center)
Sky Mind Retreats Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Retreat 3

2020-03-01 Guided Loving Kindness Meditation 40:44
Nathan Glyde
Metta to Friend, Benefactor, Self and World
Gaia House Inquiring into the Nature of Experience

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