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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-05-19 Mindfulness-Wisdom 50:36
Heather Sundberg
An introduction to A Map of Awareness from the Thai Forest Tradition: Sati-Mindfulness-Mahi Sati (Great Mindfulness), Sati Panna (Mindfulness Wisdom), Panna-Vimutti (Wisdom which leads to release). Includes teachings on how to approach teachings and practices of awareness, how to use the Three Characteristics, (impermanence, unsatisfactotoriness, not self) to decrease and release activity of the Defilements (greed, hatred and delusion) and a fun experiential exercise based on a teaching from Ajahn Chah about letting go. For more information about these teachings, visit Heather's website and look up Talks, Retreat Schedule and ongoing trainings on MahaSati.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Living Awareness Through Embodiment and Heart

2017-05-19 Path Of Metta (Love) 58:48
Mark Coleman
This talk explores the journey of the heart. What happens as we cultivate metta practice, both the obstacles, challenges, gifts and fruits.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

2017-05-19 Lecture 5 1:27:25
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 5 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-05-19 Méditation guidée sur l’attention à la respiration, Retraite à Montréal 44:03
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Cette vie qui nous échappe

2017-05-19 Méditation guidée sur les 4 éléments, Retraite à Montréal 40:35
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Cette vie qui nous échappe

2017-05-19 Corps, assise et marche méditative, Instructions matinales et méditation guidée, Retraite à Montréal 57:59
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Cette vie qui nous échappe

2017-05-18 "Courage: An Essential Quality of Practice" 52:25
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of waking up as going "against the stream" in order to see things with fresh eyes. One essential ingredient of the spiritual journey is courage required to grow and be willing to step outside of our comfort zones. Being a spiritual warrior means facing our deepest fears, dealing with loss, opening to the places inside we'd rather not see and trusting that your awareness can meet any moment that arises. We explore this topic in our dharma practice as it manifests on and off the cushion.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2017-05-18 A Long Lineage 51:40
John Travis
John shares stories of his own personal lineage of practice from elders of the Thai Forest Tradition, including teaching based on Ajahn Chah's 'taking the one seat'.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Living Awareness Through Embodiment and Heart

2017-05-18 Mindfulness Guided Meditation and Q&A 67:49
Mark Coleman
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

2017-05-18 Guided Mindfulness Practice 1:20:53
Oren Jay Sofer
Basic Instructions for Mindfulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

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