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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-02-23 Twelvefold chain of Interdependent Co-Arising. Meditation Included. Over 1.5 hrs. - EBMC POC Sangha 1:33:04
Mushim Ikeda
East Bay Meditation Center

2017-02-22 Listening to the Song – Part I 49:01
Tara Brach
Listening is more than a communications skill, it is a capacity that awakens our awareness. As we learn to listen inwardly, we begin to understand and care for the life that is here. And as we listen to others, that same intimacy emerges. In this two-part series we examine the blocks to listening and the practices that cultivate this essential domain of human potential. Our focus is both on the transformational power of listening in our personal lives, and also the necessity for deep listening if we are to bring healing to our wider society. "Listening is the forerunner. If we don’t listen to the pain within and around us, we can’t respond."
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-02-22 Equanimity: Balance & equipoise in the mind/heart….living with the heart of greatness even in times of stress, uncertainty & turbulence. 55:40
Marcia Rose
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2017-02-22 Karma and the End of Karma (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:23
Guy Armstrong
Describes the Buddha's basic teaching on Karma as action with volition. By choosing carefully which volitions to follow, we can guide our practice to great levels of happiness. Also describes the results of action, the relation to the concept of not-self, and explores what leads to the end of karma.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat

2017-02-22 17 talk: Vedana, Right Thought, Metta and Compassion 41:09
Jill Shepherd
Exploring vedana or feeling-tone as the building block of reactivity, and metta or good will and compassion or harmlessness as aspects of Right Thought
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Seven-day insight meditation retreat

2017-02-22 Self Acceptance and Equanimity 1:31:01
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2017-02-22 17) Metta Chants 30:23
Ariya B. Baumann
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 3rd Annual Metta Retreat: 2nd Session

2017-02-22 Day 25: Brahma Vihara Instructions 58:04
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat

2017-02-22 16 instructions: concentration and feeling-tone (vedana) part 2 16:35
Jill Shepherd
Brief introduction of Right Concentration and the potential for pleasant feeling-tone (vedana) to support ease
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Seven-day insight meditation retreat

2017-02-22 A Life of Integrity 2 65:14
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the nature of integrity in a life of practice, identifying challenges to integrity and engaging in dyadic inquiry to illuminate one's own relationship to integrity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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